Kids Hip Hop Class
Beginner: Ages 7-11
Fridays 4:30pm - 5:15pm
Get your kids moving as cool as the kids you see dancing on Instagram or Tik Tok! They'll be dancing after their first class!Your child will be learning the basics of Hip Hop movement designed to create coordination, muscle strength, sense of rhythm, space and more! This is an ongoing class with planned curriculum designed for success!Ask us for more info!
Try one on one dance instruction!
Book a session with an instructor to learn about the class!
If you feel that you would also try private dance instruction, or you wish to experience one on one instruction in class, you may schedule an introductory private lesson and one of our qualified instructors will help you to get started! Pick an instructor and the time which works best for you.
Class Experience
This is a recreational class! Every session is 45 min long and it provides an amazing physical outlet for kids who might not otherwise be into sports! Hip Hop is growing in popularity with children of all ages. In the class we present elements of popping and locking! Each class we teach moves and pieces of choreography which will be translated into a small routine which kids will be able to demonstrate for parents in number of classes! By teaching dace moves we bring up self-confidence, respect to others in the group, coordination, posture, sense of rhythm and etc.! Besides of recreational class children will be offered to join our competition team. With every class we Inspiring kids to live happier, healthier, fuller lives through movement, mentorship and fun.
Class enrollment options
To get a taste of the class, you may start with a special of $15 / class offered to new students. Following that the following options are available: one class at time; package of 4 classes and a package of 10 classes. Contact us for details.
If you wish to combine class experience with private lessons, check out our membership plans, running from $70 / month!
New Student Special: 1 Class - $15
Note: One special offer per new student; Cannot be combined
with any other offer; One time use only; Non-refundable.
SAVE UP TO $10 a class + Receive up to 4 private lessons a month!
By enrolling in one of the membership plans, you you will enjoy up to unlimited number of group classes, private lessons provided by our qualified professionals with personalized learning recommendations and class attendance plan.
Try one on one dance instruction!
Book a session with an instructor to learn about the class!
If you feel that you would also try private dance instruction, or you wish to experience one on one instruction in class, you may schedule an introductory private lesson and one of our qualified instructors will help you to get started! Pick an instructor and the time which works best for you.
Have a question about this dance class?
Call Studio By Phone
Our phone number: (239)610-0210. Studio hours are Monday through Friday 11am - 8pm. If you reach us outside of business hours, leave us a voice mail. All messages are responded in the order they've been received.
Studio Location
Google Map Directions
Click below to be taken your map application and enjoy your trip to us! Looking forward to meeting you soon!
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